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Início Bilhetes Teatro Musicais Tribute to Leonard Cohen
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Bilhetes para Tribute to Leonard Cohen

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Planetarium Bochum, Bochum, Alemanha
Popspace - Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 750
Heath Street Baptist Church, London, Reino Unido
WAITING FOR THE MIRACLE: A Celebration of The Poetry & Music of Leonard Cohen...
Alte Oper Erfurt, Erfurt, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - Leonard Cohen's Early Works
Capacidade do local: 970
Peterskirche zu Leipzig, Leipzig, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 70
Passionskirche Kreuzberg, Berlin, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 600
Evento mais barato em Berlin
para Tribute to Leonard Cohen em nosso site
Bürgerhaus Neuenhagen, Berlin, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 500
Spielbank Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Alemanha
Cohen Tribute
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em nosso site
Kulturzentrum Kammgarn, Kaiserslautern, Alemanha
Leonard Cohen Tribute - Roland Helm & Band
Capacidade do local: 500
Kultur- und Bürgerhaus, Denzlingen, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 657
Mozartsaal at Liederhalle - Complex, Stuttgart, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen: Tour of 1979
Capacidade do local: 2100
Badnerlandhalle, Karlsruhe - Neureut, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 120
Kurtheater, Bad Homburg, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 765
Capitol Mannheim, Mannheim, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The Songs of Leonard Cohen: Tour of 1979
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em nosso site
Edwin Scharff Haus, Neu-Ulm, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The songs of Leonard Cohen
Capacidade do local: 1288
Ev. Kreuzkirche, Kassel, Alemanha
Field Commander C. - The songs of Leonard Cohen I Early works - The roots of Hallelujah
Capacidade do local: 1000