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Início Bilhetes Concertos Rock e Pop Simon and Garfunkel Tribute
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Bilhetes para Simon and Garfunkel Tribute

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O próximo evento começa em
Ulleskelf Village Hall, Leeds, Reino Unido
A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel
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em nosso site
Em 16 dias
Grombacher Stuben RESt-GmbH, Obergrombach, Alemanha
A Tribute To Simon & Garfunkel – Duo Graceland
Capacidade do local: 220
Em 18 dias
Musikpavillon, Bad Mergentheim, Alemanha
Simon & Garfunkel Tribute Duo „Graceland"
Em 19 dias
Kulturfenster Bönnigheim e.V., Bönnigheim, Alemanha
Duo Graceland - Simon & Garfunkel Tribute
Em 20 dias
Kupfersaal, Leipzig, Alemanha
Simon & Garfunkel Tribute - mit dem Duo Graceland & der Philharmonie Leipzig
Capacidade do local: 710
Burnsall Village Hall, Skipton, Reino Unido
A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel
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St David's Church Hall, Holmfirth, Reino Unido
A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel
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Kulturbühne Goldener Löwe, Wandlitz, Alemanha
Duo Graceland - A Tribute to Simon & Garfunkel
Capacidade do local: 199
Audlem Public Hall, Crewe, Reino Unido
A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel
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em nosso site
Europa-Rosarium, Sangerhausen, Alemanha
Simon & Garfunkel Revival Band - Feelin' Groovy
Capacidade do local: 680
Kloster Hirsau, Calw, Alemanha
Duo Graceland + Philharmonie Leipzig - A Tribute to Simon & Garfunkel
Capacidade do local: 15
Evangelische Auferstehungskirche, Scheidegg, Alemanha
A Tribute To Simon & Garfunkel – Duo Graceland
Winster Village Hall, Windermere, Reino Unido
A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel
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em nosso site
Amphitheater Hanau, Hanau, Alemanha
Simon & Garfunkel Tribute Duo trifft Philharmonie Leipzig
Capacidade do local: 2455
Schloss Horst, Gelsenkirchen, Alemanha
A Tribute To Simon & Garfunkel – Duo Graceland