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Bilhetes para Northern Lite

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Maislabyrinth Erfurt, Erfurt, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - Zusatzshow
Arche, Neuenhagen, Alemanha
Northern Lite
Capacidade do local: 1500
Freilichtbühne Gellertberg, Niederau, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour
Capacidade do local: 190
Musikhalle Markneukirchen Betriebs- und Service GmbH, Markneukirchen, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour
Capacidade do local: 900
Klubhaus, Seebach, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - inkl. Aftershow Nachtschichtparty 2.0
AJZ Talschock, Chemnitz, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour
Capacidade do local: 200
Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt, Schwedt/Oder, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour
Capacidade do local: 832
M.A.U. Club, Rostock, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - Zusatzshow
Capacidade do local: 700
Clubzentrum COMMA, Gera, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - Support: Dynanim
Capacidade do local: 250
Zenit Schwerin, Schwerin, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour
Capacidade do local: 600
Astra Kulturhaus, Berlin, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - Zusatzshow
Capacidade do local: 1500
Kleinvieh Dresden, Dresden, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - Weihnachtsshow 2024
Capacidade do local: 850
Taeubchenthal, Leipzig, Alemanha
Northern Lite - A History of Love Tour - Weihnachtsshow 2024
Capacidade do local: 1200
Waschhaus Arena, Potsdam, Alemanha
Northern Lite
Capacidade do local: 600

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