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O próximo evento começa em
Em 19 dias
Sonia at The Middle East Restaurant and Club - Complex, Cambridge, Massachusetts, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Boston
Capacidade do local: 320
Em 21 dias
Temple Performing Arts Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Philadelphia
Capacidade do local: 1200
Café at Thunderbird Café & Music Hall, Pittsburgh, PA, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Pittsburgh
Não há ingressos disponíveis
em nosso site
Em 24 dias
LaSalle Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Cleveland
Em 25 dias
Garden Theater, Detroit, MI, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Detroit
Capacidade do local: 1000
Em 29 dias
Gem Theater, Kansas City, Missouri, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Kansas City
Capacidade do local: 1414
Em 30 dias
89th Street Collective, Oklahoma City, OK, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Oklahoma City
Capacidade do local: 300
Come and Take It Live, Austin, TX, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Austin
Coppell Arts Center - Complex, Coppell, Texas, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Dallas
Capacidade do local: 440
Piper Repertory Theater at Mesa Arts Center - Complex, Mesa, Arizona, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Phoenix
Não há ingressos disponíveis
em nosso site
Fremont Country Club, Las Vegas, NV, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Las Vegas
Capacidade do local: 10
Catch One, Los Angeles, California, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Los Angeles
Capacidade do local: 2000
Star Theater, Portland, OR, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Portland
Capacidade do local: 150
El Corazon, Seattle, WA, EUA
LUCY - 1st World Tour 'written by FLOWER' in Seattle
Capacidade do local: 800
Rio Theatre, Vancouver, Canadá
Capacidade do local: 420

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