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Bilhetes para Abba - The Concert

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Großes Haus Halberstadt, Halberstadt, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
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Alter Schlachthof, Dresden, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 1000
Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Gera, Gera, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 1700
Stadthalle Mülheim, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
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Neues Theater Emden, EMDEN, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
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Theater in der Stadthalle, Neumünster, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
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Uckerseehalle Prenzlau, Prenzlau, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 800
Bürgerhaus Backnang, Backnang, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 416
Festhalle Harmonie Heilbronn, Heilbronn, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 3000
Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 2121
Theater Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 639
Stadthalle Aalen, Aalen, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 1500
Stadthalle, Lahr, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 684
Milchwerk, Radolfzell, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert - performed by ABBAMUSIC
Capacidade do local: 168
Congress Centrum Suhl, Suhl, Alemanha
ABBA The Concert Performed By Abbamusic
Capacidade do local: 5000